website copy

Desolation Hotel

The brand messaging guidelines Smudgepot created for Desolation Hotel leant a substantial assist in composing website copy, since they identified the target audience, clarified the brand’s tone, and illuminated the key brand touchstones. But original copy was still needed to fill out a robust website representative of this elevated brand. A hotel that prides itself on being owned and operated by locals, on knowing the area intimately, and on prioritizing sustainability in both their build and operations, Smudgepot blended the messaging guidelines with anecdotes from the owners and extensive Tahoe research to create website copy that felt professional yet familiar — and particularly enticing to those eager to explore Tahoe’s natural playground.

Thank you for your terrific work. We would not have wanted to do this without you, and we wouldn’t be in as good a place.
— Chet Pipkin | Owner, Desolation Hotel
Brad Good

Brad Good has been an endorsed Squarespace Expert since the beginning and has been working on the platform since 2008. He has helped hundreds of Squarespace customers with their websites.

email copy


brand messaging